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Structure of Governing body

Governance Committee Structure for Milford Infant School
At Milford School we hold two Full Governing Body meetings a term, one with a Teaching & Learning focus and one with a Financial focus.
The benefits to this approach are:
  • Less duplication between sub-committee and full governing body meetings, as data was typically the same at sub-committee and full governing body level.
  • Increased understanding of all governors regarding decision making (both the impact on school's learning as well as the financial impact).
The Performance related pay committee and the Appeals committee are held prior to some Full Governing Body meetings when required.
Governors are appointed by the following bodies:
Parent governors - school parents nominate and elect as part of a governor election process.
Co-opted governors - are identified by potential skills sets they can bring to the school and are appointed by the current governing body to fill any vacancies.
Staff governors - are on a voluntary basis, however if there is more than one interested member of staff, an election will be held.  Votes will be cast by staff members only.
LA governors - are appointed by Surrey County Council.