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Handwriting and Spelling

 Image result for penpals handwritingImage result for penpals handwriting

Each week the children at Milford School follow the Penpals handwriting scheme of work from Reception - Year 2. 

The correct pen/pencil grip and a good posture are encouraged from the outset. Correct formation of letter shapes is developed through handwriting patterns.

We encourage children to maintain high standards of presentation in all they do across all curriculum areas. 

Further work in handwriting is linked with the teaching of phonics and spelling through Monster Phonics. In this way, the children learn to write the sounds they hear and the spelling patterns they have memorised. 

Each year group has key words or spellings/spelling patterns to learn, sent home regularly.  The children are not tested on these but they are valuable in helping our children to write accurately, confidently and well.

In Year 2, spelling is explicitly taught through Monster Phonics.