Prospective Parent Tours - all tours 9.30-10.30am Thursday 3 October Tuesday 8 October Friday 18 October Tuesday 22 October Wednesday 6 November Thursday 14 November Friday 22 November Wednesday 27 November Friday 6 December Friday 10 January Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087

Parental Involvement

At Milford School we have an “open door” policy. This means that parents are welcome to come into school at any time during the year, as well as during our events (Harvest, Christmas Performances, Class Assemblies)

We recognise that many parents now work, but consider ourselves fortunate in having many parents and grandparents who come in to help the school on a regular basis. Some work with the children and are involved in reading, supervising mathematics games or activities, gardening, sewing and cooking. Others offer assistance in the making and mending of books, preparation of equipment, clearing the pond area, or tidying the library. Parents also contribute to the life of the school through ‘The Friends of Milford School’. The Friends organise fund raising, social events and special projects. Meetings are informal and friendly and they provide an opportunity for parents to meet each other socially as well as to help support the school financially. All parents of children at the school become members of this group automatically and we encourage our community to become involved whenever possible.

The money The Friends raise is always used for the benefit of the children. In recent years it has enabled us to provide subsidies for dramatic productions, music recitals and other special events. We have also been able to purchase items ranging from additional art and craft materials to large adventure play equipment for the school field. Thanks to The Friends, our library has been fully established in a new building and re-stocked with up to date reading materials.  They have also supported the school to purchase high quality, highly decodable reading books to support the teaching of Early Reading.

Special Events

From time to time, the staff or parents organise special events linked to the current school topic or to national or seasonal celebrations.

DBS and Safeguarding

School helpers are required to obtain a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance before being permitted to help in school or on school trips. Information on the application process may be obtained from the School Office, along with details of identification required. There is a cost attached to a DBS disclosure, which will be covered by the school.

Milford School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.