Prospective Parent Tours 2025-2026 Friday 14th June 9.30 -10.30am Thursday 27th June 9.30-10.30am Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087



Computing lessons are taught throughout the school through the use of Espresso Coding, Purple Mash and  The children are taught e-safety lessons as part of the curriculum to help them stay safe in school and at home.  Parents can access the Espresso coding website from home via the login details given to them by the school (these can be requested at any time should you wish to make use of our subscription).

Computing is delivered in classrooms using either our set of android tablets or chromebooks, giving the children an experience of different types of modern technology.  We are extremely fortunate to have wireless access across our whole playground, so when the weather is nice, children can be completing computing tasks outside e.g. filming, animating and exploring making music digitally.

IT is integrated into all other areas of the curriculum wherever it enriches the children’s learning (often in maths and Guided Reading).

Through the use of IT children learn to develop confidence with computers and communication technology, enabling them to develop an understanding of IT and its practical uses in every day life.

Each classroom is equipped with computers and interactive whiteboards to display learning activities in an interesting way.

Children have lots of opportunities to use programmable battery run toys and recording devices including easispeak microphones and beebot floor toys. 

Image result for easispeak microphone                   Image result for beebot

Purple Mash
Click on this link to login to our Purple Mash area.  
There are lots of excellent reading, writing, maths and computing activities to explore!