Prospective Parent Tours 2025-2026 Friday 14th June 9.30 -10.30am Thursday 27th June 9.30-10.30am Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087


Our Senco is Mrs Emma Ward  She can be contacted on the school phone number or via email:

Any children who have additional educational needs are readily identified by the assessment processes undertaken.

The needs of those who have particular strengths or weaknesses are normally met by the teacher in the classroom situation. The staff work closely as a team, sharing expertise in planning for individual children. The guidance of the school’s Senco, Mrs Emma Ward, Educational Psychologists and that of other outside agencies is sought whenever necessary. Parents are involved at every stage so that they have full information about their child’s progress and so that they can add their own support where necessary.

Please see SEND information below.

Access for The Disabled

We have a policy of ensuring that all who have a right of entry to our school, are provided with appropriate support and specific arrangements to enable them to get into the premises safely. Where special arrangements are necessary, please contact the school office staff, or the Head teacher, who will be pleased to help.